Kitamura Chemicals was founded in 1894, getting its start as a business that imported industrial-use alcohols from Europe. Records show that some of these alcohols were carried by U-boat. As a trading company, we served as a bridge for the development of Japanese industry in its early days.
More than 130 years have passed since then, and the world has become closely intertwined. The economy and human lives have become richer, but on the other hand, the uncertainties and risks of the global economy have likewise risen. Today, we are starting to search for a new order.
In these turbulent times, our role as a trading company is more required than ever. We aspire to become a ‘true group of specialists’ by providing extensive networks, information and solutions, covering a variety of industries and markets. It is our hope that will allow us to grow as a companion partner alongside our customers to surmount the changing times.
In addition, by transforming our contact points and communications with customers through digital technology, we are tackling the challenge of creating new UX (user experience) and seeking a new way of being a trading company.
We shall play active roles globally through contributing to our customers and society, as well as aiming to develop into a company that will allow each and every employee to become rich both physically and spiritually.
In these efforts, we humbly request your ongoing support and cooperation.